MD (Pediatrics) 2010, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, India
Joint Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE) 2022, FAIMER & Gulf Medical University, Ajman, UAE
Diploma in Anesthesia (D.A) 1994, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, India
MBBS 1991, Andhra University, India
Academic Experience
Professor, Pediatrics, RAK COMS, RAKMHSU, UAE. September 2022 - Present
Associate Professor, Pediatrics, RAKCOMS, UAE. November 2016 - August 2022
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Rangaraya Medical College, NTRUHS, India. June 2010 - October 2016
Tutor cum Resident, Pediatrics, Rangaraya Medical College, NTRUHS, India. June 2007 - May 2010
Lecturer in Anesthesiology, Osmania Medical College, NTRUHS, India. February 2003 - May 2007
Lecturer in Physiology, Rangaraya Medical College, NTRUHS, India. February 2002 - February 2003
Administrative Experience
State IMNCI Coordinator - conducted IMNCI workshops in India for 5 years
State FBNC (Facility-based Newborn Care) Coordinator - conducted training workshops for 5 years in India
MBBS Year 5 Coordinator in RAKMHSU from academic year 2018-19 to 2023-24
Member of RAKMHSU Center for Educational Development and Research Committee, Faculty Development and CME Committee, and University Human Ethics Committees
Courses Taught
Health Professions Education
Bioethics and Professionalism
Jhancy, M. (2024). Poxvirus Vaccines: Past, Present, and Future. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Poxviruses. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1451. Springer, Cham.
Malay Jhancy*, Imran Rashid Rangraze, Tarig Hakim Merghani & Salah Eldin Kasab. "Description of Medical Students' Behavioral, Cognitive, and Psychological Engagement with Faculty Online Teaching Styles." Advances in Medical Education and Practice. Dove Press (UK). 2024;121-132.
Ejaz H, Thyyib T, Ibrahim A, Nishat A and Malay Jhancy*. "Role of Artificial Intelligence in early detection of neonatal congenital heart diseases." Frontiers in Digital Health. UK. 2024;1-7.
Biji Thomas George, Malay Jhancy, Rajani Dube, Subhranshu Sekhar Kar. "Molecular Basis of Mullerian Agenesis Causing Congenital Uterine Factor Infertility-A Systematic Review." International Journal of Molecular Sciences. MDPI. 2023;1-16.
Rajani Dube, Subhranshu Sekhar Kar, Malay Jhancy and Biji Thomas George. "The Molecular Basis of Male Infertility in Obesity: A Literature Review." International Journal of Molecular Sciences. MDPI. 2023;1-21.
Malay Jhancy & Suresh Kumar Srinivasamurthy. "Seroprotection of Measles, Rubella, Pertussis and its Relation with Occurrence of COVID-19 among a Cohort of University Female Students." New Emirates Medical Journal. Bentham Science (UK). 2023;1-5.
Malay Ghofran Osman, Areen Yousef Tamkee, Malay Jhancy Sarmini Dana, Subhranshu Sekhar Kar. "Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Profile and Follow-up: North Emirates Hospitals' Experience." New Emirates Medical Journal. Bentham Science (UK). 2023;1-6.
Jhancy Malay*, Salah Eldin Kassab, Tarig Hakim, Ramya Rathan, Anusha Sreejith. "Faculty and Students Perception about Online Teaching Styles of Faculty in Large Group Lectures." Advances in Medical Education and Practice. Dove Press (UK). 2022;1261-1266.
Malay Jhancy*, Grisilda Bernhardt, Suresh. "Seroprevalence of Pertussis Antibodies and Infection Risk Among Female Medical Students." New Emirates Medical Journal. Bentham Science (UK). 2022;1-4.
Malay Jhancy*, Grisilda Bernhardt, Maryam Risla, Munazza Khannam, Syeda Sultana. "Seroprevalence of Antibodies Against Varicella Among Medical Students - A Need for Immunization Record for Medical School Admission." Biomedicine. Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists (India). 2021;58-64.
Imran Rangraze, Malay Jhancy, Shehla Shafi Khan. "Recent Advances in Understanding COVID-19 Pathophysiology and Therapy: A Review." Migration Letters. UK. 2023;812-832.
Qualitative research methods certification from Uni Lern MedEd, U.K
Essential skills in Medical Education from AMEE
Essentials skills in Medical Education Assessment from AMEE
Reviewer for Biomedical and Cureus journal
Certified in research methodology by Public Health Foundation of India
Trained in Advanced Vaccinalogy course by INDVAC, CMC, Vellore
Won prizes for student projects, RAKMHSU and other conferences