Education Qualifications
- PhD Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Embryology (2000), Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
- M.H.Ed (M.Ed Concentration in Health Professions Education) (2019), Faculty of Education, Ottawa University, Ontario, Canada, Graduated with Honors
- MSc Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Embryology & Histology)(1996) Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Graduated with “Very Good with Honors”
- MD (MBBCh) (Medicine & Surgery) (1990) Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Graduated with “Very Good with Honors”
- Professor, Ras Al Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University – From September 2023 To Present
- Professor, College of Dentistry Ajman University – From September 2021 To July 2023
- Professor, Faculty of Medicine Ottawa University, Canada – From January 2015 To May 2022
- Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia – From September 2004 To June 2015
- Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor, Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Egypt – From September 2004 To Present
- Clinical Demonstrator, Lecturer & Assistant Professor of Anatomy & Embryology, Ain Shams University, Egypt – From July 1993 To August 2004
- Resident Obstetrics-Gynecology, Fakhry General Hospital, Khobar, Saudi Arabia – From 1997 To 1998
- Resident Oncology Department (Radiotherapist and Chemotherapist), Ain Shams University Hospitals, Egypt – From March 1992 To July 1993
Courses Taught
- Human Biology 1 MHB 1111 first year medicine, College of Medicine RAKCOMS, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University
- Anatomy – Head & Neck and cell biology – DAH 126 for students of first year College of Dentistry, RAKCODS, RAKMHSU
- Clinical skills for second year students of Medicine RAKCOMS, RAKMHSU
- BDS110 Head and Neck Anatomy I for first year dental students, College of Dentistry, Ajman University
- DDS106 Head and Neck Anatomy I for first year dental students, College of Dentistry, Ajman University
- BDS202 & DDS Head and Neck Anatomy II for second year dental students, College of Dentistry, Ajman University
- General Medicine and Infectious Diseases BDS 208/DDS 206, for 2nd year dental students, College of Dentistry, Ajman University
- ANP1106 Human Anatomy and physiology for undergraduate students of Health sciences, nursing and biomedical sciences, University of Ottawa
- MED 1201 & 1202 Anatomy courses for first year Medicine, University of Ottawa,
- MED 2201 & 2202 for second year Medicine, University of Ottawa,
- Case-Based Learning Foundation Unit, Unit II & III Medical sessions: Gastrointestinal, Renal/Hypertension, Environmental/Food Allergy, Haematology, Reproduction, Respiratory Immunology/Infectious Diseases, Neurology
- Professionalism Course for Foundation Unit and Unit I
- FOND101 Foundation Course for first year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University
- ANTM212 General Anatomy Course for students of second year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- ANTM213 Embryology core course for students of second year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS220 Musculoskeletal system module for students of second year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS221 Cardiovascular system module for students of second year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS222 Respiratory system module for students of second year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS223 Immune, Blood, Lymphatic , for students of second year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS328 Gastrointestinal system module for students of third year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS329 Nervous system and special senses module for students of third year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS327 Urinary system module for students of third year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- SYS326 Reproductive system module for students of third year Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- ANTD 201 Gross Anatomy of Head and Neck, Neuro and Thorax for students of second year Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Gross anatomy to students of second year pharmacy, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Gross anatomy to students of second year physiotherapy, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Gross anatomy to students of second year nursing, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- ANTT 208XA Anatomy to students of second year medical technology, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Tutor for Problem based learning (PBL) sessions to medical students, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Written and Practical (OSCE) Examination supervisor, for all faculties of King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Elfadil, Sittana, Hossam I. Nassar, Rana Aly Elbeshbeishy, and Lovely M. Annamma. (2023). "Esthetic Rehabilitation of Pediatric Patients Using Direct Bonding Technique—A Case Series Report" Children 10, no. 3: 546.
- Rana ElBeshbeishy (2018). Finding the Right Balance: Integrating Old and New Approaches for Anatomy Teaching. Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium Proceedings 2; 27-44 (ISSN: 2561-4878). DOI: 10.18192/jpds-sjpd.v2i1.2427
- Nasra Ayoub, Rana ElBeshbeishy (2016). Impact of an Energy Drink on the Structure of Stomach and Pancreas of Albino Rat: Can Omega-3 Provide a Protection? PLOS ONE February 19, 2016. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149191
- Makhlouf Noha A., El-Beshbishy Rana A (2014). The possible protective role of selenium supplementation on the structure of the heart in an experimental model of chronic renal failure: light and electron microscopic study. The Egyptian Journal of Histology 37(1):197-207. DOI: 10.1097/01.EHX.0000444123.03482.c7 (ISSN: 1110- 0559)
- Abousetta Alaa, Makhlouf Noha A., El-Beshbishy Rana A (2014). The effects of concomitant Ginkgo intake on noise induced Hippocampus injury. Possible auditory clinical correlate. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences 15:231–239.
- Abunasef Siham K., El-Beshbishy Rana A (2014). The histological changes of the female rat mammary gland during the fertile period with a special reference to Ecadherin expression. The Egyptian Journal of Histology 37(1):45-55 DOI:10.1097/01.EHX.0000444074.66582.d4
- Makhlouf Noha A., El-Beshbishy Rana A., Abousetta Alaa (2014). Ginkgo modulates noise-induced hippocampal damage in male albino rats Light and electron microscopic study. The Egyptian Journal of Histology 37(1):159-174. DOI:10.1097/01.EHX.0000444078.17248.ab.
- Kallini Dalia F., El-Beshbishy Rana A (2013). Histological and immunohistochemical study of experimentally induced concussion on young rats’ frontal cortex and the possible protective role of erythropoietin hormone supplementation. The Egyptian Journal of Histology 36(3):611–624 DOI: 10.1097/01.EHX.0000433264.53866.e9. (ISSN: 1110- 0559)
- Abdel-Hamid Ghada A., El-Beshbishy Rana A., Abdel Aal I. H (2013). Anatomical variations of the hand extensors. Folia morphologica 72(3):249-57. DOI: 10.5603/FM.2013.0040. (ISSN 0015-5659)
- El-Beshbishy Rana. A., Abdel-Hamid Ghada. A (2013). Variations of the abductor longus tendon: an anatomic study. Folia morphologica 72(2):161-6. DOI: 10.5603/FM.2013.0027. ISSN 0015-5659)
- Kallini Dalia F., Abdelmalik Sherin W., Desouky Ahmed M., El-Beshbishy Rana A (2013). A comparative study between bilateral ligation of the ovarian and the uterine arteries on the structure and function of the ovary of adult white rabbit: histological and Immunohistochemical study. The Egyptian Journal of Histology 36(2):300–311. DOI: 10.1097/01.EHX.0000428966.85110.1a
- El Beshbishy Rana A., Kallini Dalia F., Salah El Din Rania A., Abu Hussein Azza K (2010). A Structural Study of the Protective and Curative Role of Curcumin on Indomethacin Induced Gastric Ulcer in Adult Male Albino Rats: a Light and Scanning Electron Microscope study. Egyptian Journal of Anatomy 33(1-2):137-149. DOI: 10.21608/EJANA.2010.3646
- Osman Omar Moawayh, Ragab Yasser, El Beshbishy Rana A (2008). Anatomical, Histological and Radiological Study of the Rotator Cuff Interval of the Shoulder. Medical Journal of Cairo University [The] 76(1):11-19. P-ISSN: 0045-3803
- Rana ElBeshbeishy (2018). New Innovative Approaches for Anatomy Teaching. Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium 2018, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
- Ahmed Mohamed Desoky Badawy, Fouad Yehia Ahmed, Rana Aly EI-Beshbishy (2012). Effects of Different Professions on The Hand Kinematic Capabilities. Hand Measures and Grip Assessment in Different Professions. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 10: 3659288756 ISBN 13: 9783659288753.
- Al-Awa Afrah A, El-Beshbishy Rana A., Abdel-Hamid Ghada A (2012). The effect of cold stress on the gastric mucosa of Adult Male Albino rats: A light microscopic study. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Medical Sciences 19(1):43-53
- Osman Omar Moawayh, El-Beshbishy Rana A., Mokhtar Fatma Zeinhom (2008). Anatomic and Radiographic Study of Egyptian Calcaneal Angles in Comparison to Other Populations. The Medical Journal of Cairo University 76 (1):21-27.
- Wassif Ghada A, Sadeek Lobna A, Refaat Seham H, El Beshbishy Rana A (2007). A Study of the effect of the maternal exposure to low frequency electromagnetic waves on the suprarenal gland of albino rat offsprings. Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty (Girls) 28(1):1301-1323.
- El-Beshbishy Rana A., Abaskharoun Abeer E., Zaki Shahira S (2005). Protective Effect of Lycopene against Radiation-Induced Damage. The Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty (Girls) 27.
- Abdel All Youssef S, Ahmed Fouad Y, Houssen Osama A, El Beshbishy Rana A (2005). Scanning of certain applied anatomical measures on the lateral nasal wall needed for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in adult males: Cadaveric and CT study. Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty (Girls) 27.
- El-Beshbishy Rana A., Gumaie Ragaie A. B (2004). Electron Microscopic study of the Submucosa and Musculature of the Uvula in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Ain Shams Medical Journal 55:1089-1110.
- Gemaie Ragaie A.B., Abaskharoun Abeer E., El-Beshbishy Rana A (2003). Ototoxicity of Topical Mitomycin in the Middle Ear. Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 20(1):19-30.
- Gemaie Ragaie A.B., El-Beshbishy Rana A., Abaskharoun Abeer E., Mohamed Omar M. O (2003). A study of Intranasal Anatomy of the Lacrimal Drainage System among Egyptians in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy. Kasr El –Aini Medical Journal 9(2):297-314
- Award for Graduation from MSc of Education with High Distinction, 2019, University of Ottawa,
- Award & Certificate of Appreciation & Gratitude, 2015, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
- Distinct Associate Professor Award, 2011, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
- Award for participation and outstanding extracurricular influence, Ministry of health, 2006, Faculty of health sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
- Scholastic Achievement Award for high scoring in Master’s degree , 1997, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt