MD (Internal Medicine) 1983; Mysore university; India
FRCP 2019; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glassgow
MBBS 1977, Mysore university, India
Professor of Internal Medicine, RAKCOMS, RAKMHSU, UAE. 2015 - till date
Professor of Medicine, MMMC, Melaka, Malaysia. 2015
Professor and Head of Medicine, KMC, Mangalore, India. 1982 - 2015
Professor of Internal Medicine, KSHEMA, Mangalore, India. 1999 - 2000
Courses Taught
4th Year MBBS
Course 1: MIM 425
Course 2: MIM 425C
Course 3: MIM 537
Course 4: MIM 537C
MD Year 1: History of Medicine
MD Year 2: Bioethics
Hydatid cyst of the lung - common disease, many signs, all in one. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology
and Surgery; 2016 July vol 5 issue 3
Medley of infections-a diagnostic challenge - Bhat, R., Kodan, P., Shetty, M.A. Asian Pacific Journal of
Tropical Biomedicine, 2015, 5(5), pp. 418–420
Cutaneous angiosarcoma - A rare case report in Indian female! - Shetty, M., Bhat, R., Kodan, P. Journal of
Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2015, 9(2), pp. XD12–XD13
The carotid intima media thickness: A predictor of the clincal coronary events. George, J.M., Bhat, R., Pai,
K.M., Arun, S., Jeganathan, J. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2013, 7(6), pp. 1082–1085
Hiv-tuberculosis: A study of chest X-ray patterns in relation to CD4 count. Padyana, M., Bhat, R.V., Dinesha,
M., Nawaz, A. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012, 4(5), pp. 221–225
Qureshi G, Khemissa M, Amr G, Bhat R. The Non-conventional Effects of Hypovitaminosis D: A Pandemic Even in
Sunlight-Rich Countries. Cureus. 2024 Apr 29;16(4):e59267.
Srinivasamurthy SK, Bhat R, Eladil AHMO. The Tale of Designing a Clinical-Cases Manual for Rotations and Mixed
Methods Analysis of Students' Participatory Experience in Co-Creation. AMEP. 2024;15:875-882.
Best teacher award
Advisor on the editorial board of Davidson’s
Advisor on the editorial board of Hutchison’s
Advisor on the editorial board of Barbara bates
Advisor on the editorial board of Sapira
Life time achievement award for teaching by API, Karnataka state, India
Invited oration on REMAINING RELEVANT AS A MEDICAL TEACHER IN THE ERA OF TECHNOLOGY 2023 at Association of physicians of India Conference at Mandya, India