Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Banasthali University. 2016
Master of Business Administration in Health care services, Sikkim Manipal University.2011
PGDHM in Hospital Management, Madurai Kamaraj University. India, 2008.
Master of Science in Nursing, Specialty: Adult Health Nursing, Sub clinical specialty-Cardiac Critical care Nursing Sri Ramachandra University. Chennai. 2007.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1997, Dr. MGR university. Chennai. India 1997
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, RAK College of Nursing RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
Senior Lecturer, RAK College of Nursing, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
Lecturer, RAK College of Nursing, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
Class Coordinator for BSN Year 3 program (AY 2019-2020) RAKCON, RAKMHSU.
Class Coordinator for BSN Year I program (AY 2016-2019) RAKCON, RAKMHSU.
Class Coordinator for RNBSN Year II Program (AY 2013-2016) RAKCON, RAKMHSU.
Class Coordinator for BSN Year IV program (AY 2012-2013) RAKCON, RAKMHSU.
Subjects Taught: Adult Health Nursing I,II & III, Foundations of Nursing Practice I&II, Nursing Leadership and Management, Nursing Ethics, Nursing Research, Nursing Education & Physiology
Edwin Vimala, Ravi Kundayi Ramya*, Muthu Priyalatha, Factors Influencing Adherence to Standard Precautions among Nursing Students: A Self-report Study, UAE, New Emirates Medical Journal 2023;4 e030723218377 .
Priyalatha Muthu., Vimala Edwin., Vijaya Kumardhas., Sally."Professional Self-Concept among Student Nurses." UAE. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x Volume 11, Issue 3 Ser. IV (May – June 2021), PP 18-21
"Edwin, V. (2018) "Influence of personal characteristics on self-concept and Job satisfaction of registered nurses working at cross cultural setting, UAE. Hamdan Medical Journal. 11(1):p 22-28, Jan–Mar 2018. | DOI: 10.7707/hmj.718.
Mathew, K., Osman, H., Azzam, F., George, E., Karkada, S., & Edwin, V. 2014, "Effectiveness of structured teaching on knowledge of prevention of respiratory tract infections among caregivers of children under five years". Hamdan Medical Journal, 7,253-254.
CNE (Continuing Nursing Education) Secretary at RAK College of Nursing, RAKMHSU. From 2011 to 2020. Organized & Conducted conferences, Work shop, Faculty development program and Journal club.
Conferences/Workshop Presented
"Influence of personal characteristics on self-concept and Job satisfaction of registered nurses working at cross cultural setting, Dubai Health Authority, UAE. Presented in 10th DHA nursing research & Midwifery conference, December 2018.
"Advances in management of cardiogenic shock" presented in one day workshop on advances in cardiology, organized by Christian college of nursing on Co-supervisor for Undergraduate Student Research
Awareness, Perceptions and Pro environmental behaviors towards plastic pollution: A cross sectional study among nursing students, UAE.RAKCON, RAKMHSU.
Women’s awareness on risk factors and early detection of breast and cervical cancer" RAKCON, RAKMHSU.
Effectiveness of structured teaching on knowledge of prevention of respiratory tract infection among mothers of under-five age children, RAKCON, RAKMHSU.