M.Sc. in Geriatric and community health nursing (2013).
B. Sc. of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt with general grade Excellent with honor, Ranked 6th (2007).
Internship year in Mansoura University Hospitals (from 13/8/2007 to 31/8/2008).
Demenstrator, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.
Clinical Instructor, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, UAE.
Lecturer, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, UAE.
Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.
Assistant professor, RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, UAE
Older adults’ acceptance of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Application of the health belief model.
Psychological distress among older adults during COVID-19 Pandemic: Prevalence and associated factors.
A pilot protocol for improving institutionalized older adults psychosocial health during COVID-19 pandemic.
Vulnerability and resilience of older adult toward stress during COVID- 19 pandemic in RAS Al-Khaimah, UAE.
Evaluation of an educational film as a learning tool for nurses caring for seniors with pressure ulcers. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S4), 1613–1622.
Impact of Self-Management Program on Clinical Outcomes of Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. .
Mental Health Consequence of COVID 19 Pandemic among Health Care Workers: Systematic Review.