RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Central Animal Research Facility

Message from In-Charge


It is my pleasure to briefly introduce you to the state-of-the-art Central Animal Research Facility (CARF) at RAK Medical & Health Sciences University (RAKMHSU). The CARF is committed to ensuring the humane care and use of small animals (currently, Wistar rats only) associated with the research and teaching programs. The CARF-RAKMHSU meets all requirements of research and ethics committees and ensures compliance with national and international regulations, and guidelines governing the care, use, and housing of animals used in research and teaching. Our responsibility is to encourage student & faculty investigators using experimental animals to design and perform their experimental procedures based on relevance to human or animal health, advancement of knowledge, or for the good of society. We follow our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Rodent Daily Care, Rodent Husbandry, Estrous Cycle Assessment, Breeding Colony Management, Blood Collection Volume & Frequency, and Research Animal Acquisition. We have an agreement with the Waste Management Agency, Public Services Department- Government of Ras Al Khaimah for the collection and disposal of biomedical wastes as per their guidelines (bags with color-coded tags). The CARF’s prime purpose is to provide centralized expertise in breeding, and caring for experimental animals to support biomedical research and teaching.

Dr. Shakta Mani Satyam, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor- Pharmacology, RAK College of Medical Sciences & In-Charge, Central Animal Research Facility,
RAK Medical and Health Sciences University,
PO Box 11172, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
E-mail ID: satyam@rakmhsu.ac.ae
Tel.: +971-72043000; Ext. 219
Fax: +971-7226 9997