RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

OPAC is an electronic form of the library catalogue which provides its user with enhanced searching option for the library holdings. It is available online and accessed through Internet.

It can be accessed both On-Campus & Off-Campus. It also provides its user with the information of the library collection with the latest updates. The users can search their document through the different options, such as by author’s name, book title, subject, department etc. through this a user can renew the borrowed books as well as reserve the particular book online.

It also provides the information about the access to the allied service of Library such as web links related to book selection, medical dictionary, free medical books and free online journals for the benefit of the user.