RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Continuous Assessments

For courses assessed over two semesters

There will be two Continuous Assessments in theory held during designated periods within the two semesters (one academic year). The average scores of the two Continuous Assessment Test will contribute to the total theory continuous assessment.

For courses assessed after one semester

There will be one Continuous Assessment in theory held during designated periods within the semester.

  • The format of these examinations will be the same as that of the theory Comprehensive Examination and will include multiple choice questions (MCQ). In each of the Continuous Assessments, students will be examined on only that part of the content which has been taught until that period of the course.
  • The Continuous Assessment will be conducted on consecutive days without any gap between examinations for different courses.
  • The Dean of the College will notify the students about the schedule of the Continuous Assessment and Makeup Continuous Assessment - including the date, time, and venue.
  • During Continuous Assessments, one or more “Observers” may be deputed by the Office of the Examination to oversee the conduct of the examinations.
  • Quiz is a mini written assessment testing a small area/topic in the course. The objectives of conducting the Quizzes are to motivate the students to learn and assess the level of knowledge on a continuous basis, and encourage analytical and critical thinking ability of students on selected topics.
  • Quizzes may comprise of any one or a combination of MCQ, RRE and problem solving exercises.
  • Quiz is to be conducted during the regular class hour for that particular course, with prior announcement

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • There will be a minimum of two quizzes in the academic year. The average scores of the two Quizzes will contribute to the total continuous assessment.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • There will be a minimum of one quiz in the semester
  • Assignments may take the form of written reports, presentations, and projects, group work relevant to the course, critique, analysis & problem solving and can replace TBL/PBL as per the nature of the course.
  • Assignments to be conducted at the discretion of the faculty.
  • The faculty shall fix the precise date of submission and once the date is fixed, the faculty must maintain the deadline.
  • Different topics can be given to different students or different group of students. The topics for the assignments will be announced at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • The faculty shall provide the detailed guidelines to the students on the format of the assignment.
Practical continuous assessment in General Education, Basic and Medical Sciences

For courses assessed over two semesters

For courses with practical credit hours, two assessments in practical will be held during the academic year. The average scores of two practical assessments will contribute to the total continuous assessment.

For courses assessed after one semester

For courses with practical credit hours, one assessment in practical will be held during the semester.

  • They may be timed to coincide with the day of Continuous Assessments in theory. Alternatively the Department may hold them at other times but at approximately equal intervals. In this case, the practical assessments will take place during the practical periods allocated in the time table
  • Continuous assessment in practical will be in the form of objective structured practical examination (OSPE) or practical examination according to the nature of the course.
  • The number of question items will depend on the type of examination and the course. In general, an examination duration of approximately half that of the Comprehensive Examination practical component is suggested.

Course Assessment/Grading System for General Education and Basic Sciences Courses with Practical Components

Continuous Assessment = 60 % Comprehensive Examination = 40%
  • Continuous assessment  50%
  • Quizzes/ TBL/ PBL  20%
  • Practical/OSPE  30%
  • Theory Examination 70%
  • Practical/OSPE 30%

Course Assessment/Grading System for General Education and Basic Sciences Courses Without Practical Components

Continuous Assessment = 60 % Comprehensive Examination = 40%
  • Continuous assessment  70%
  • Quizzes/ TBL/PBL  30%
  • Theory Examination 100%
Protocols for Evaluation of Students’ Pre-Clinical/Clinical Competencies

Undergraduate pre-clinical/clinical training in dentistry at the RAK College of Dental Sciences is given in the dental labs and dental clinics. Pre-clinical competency is the ability essential for the dental student to begin clinical dental practice. Competency includes knowledge, experience, critical thinking and problem-solving skills; and technical and procedural skills.

  • There is Continuous Assessment and Comprehensive Practical/Clinical Examinations. Continuous assessment occurs throughout the semester /academic year for semester/ annual courses. Comprehensive Practical/ OSPE/ OSCE/ Clinical Examination is conducted at the end of the semester for semester courses and end of academic year for annual courses. Combination of these components gives the final grades to the students.
  • Continuous assessment in practical will be in the form of objective structured practical examination (OSPE) or practical examination according to the nature of the course.
  • Course Assessment/Grading System for Preclinical and Clinical Courses: Practical/ OSPE/ OSCE/ Clinical Components will contribute 50%, remaining 50% is allocated for Theory Components.
Assessment Methodology in Pre Clinical Courses of BDS
  • Steps of each procedure are described and practiced by the student during the pre-clinical training. These steps are detailed in the evaluation form to be filled for each procedure and these will be assessed and marked by the mentor / faculty, before the student proceeds to the next step.
  • The pre-clinical skill and treatment plans are presented by students at seminars and discussed as part of the assessment.
  • To ensure that the student master the various pre-clinical procedures, carried out in general dental labs, competency tests in all specialties are administered periodically.

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • For courses with practical credit hours, three assessments in practical will be held during the academic year. The average of three practical / OSPE assessments will contribute 50% to the total continuous assessment.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • For courses with practical credit hours, one assessment in practical / OSPE will be held during the semester.

Course Assessment/Grading System for Preclinical Courses

Continuous Assessment = 60 % Comprehensive Examination = 40%
  • Continuous assessment  40%
  • Quizzes/TBL/PBL  10%
  • Practical/OSPE  50%
  • Theory Exam  50 %
  • Practical/OSPE  50 %
Assessment Methodology for Clinical Components of BDS Program Clinical Examination Methodology
  • Students' competency on clinical skills in the various specialties is assessed on a specially designed Clinical examination Assessment criteria” based on a 3-point scale; Excellent, Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory.
  • Student must obtain minimum 50% score in each section to pass the clinical examination.
  • Students failing to achieve the competency will be provided an opportunity to reappear in clinical examination within 2 weeks period.
  • The individual course includes course description for clinical skills, requirements, clinical work and clinical examination assessment criteria with score distribution in each section
  • Clinical competency examination is conducted in all clinical disciplines of dentistry, as given in the Clinical Manual - Policies, Procedures & Assessment Criteria for Clinical Competency.
  • The Clinical Requirements for each course may be different and are mentioned in course syllabus and clinical manual
Clinical Continuous Assessment
  • Continuous assessment of clinical components will be in the form of Objective Structured clinical Examination (OSCE) and Clinical Examination.
  • Clinical examination assess the skills of the students in carrying out treatment and other relevant procedures. Each of these clinical procedures will be evaluated using the designated clinical competency forms as given in the clinical manual.

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • To assess the clinical competency, there will be three assessment during the whole academic year.
  • First Clinical Assessment for the clinical component will be in form of OSCE. They may be timed to coincide with the day of first Continuous Assessments in theory during the fall semester.
  • Second Assessment will be Clinical Examination starting from 12th week till 16th week of the fall semester.
  • Third Assessment will be Clinical Examination starting from 8th week till the 12th week of spring semester.
  • All three assessment will contribute to 50 % for the total continuous assessment, remaining 50% will be final clinical Examination.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • Continuous assessment of clinical components will be in the form of OSCE/Clinical Examination.
  • There will be one assessment during the whole semester, which will contribute 50% of clinical components, remaining 50% will be final clinical Examination / OSCE.

Course Assessment/Grading System for Clinical Courses

Continuous Assessment = 60 % Comprehensive Examination = 40%
  • Continuous assessment  40%
  • Quizzes/TBL/PBL  10%
  • Clinical/OSCE  50%
  • Theory Exam  50 %
  • Clinical/OSCE  50 %
Comprehensive Preclinical and Clinical Examination

The Comprehensive Clinical Examination will be the final examination for the course.

The clinical component will be tested with objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) and/or Clinical Case Procedures. The proportion of scores for these two components may vary based on the nature of the course but will be notified to the students in advance

Clinical case procedures will be assessed using the prescribed assessment forms for each subject as given in the clinical manual; Policies, Procedures & Assessment Criteria.

Eligibility for the Comprehensive Examination:

To appear for the Comprehensive Pre-clinical/Clinical Examination a student must have completed all preclinical and clinical requirements.

Pass grade in Courses with Practical/Pre-clinical/Clinical Components

To appear for the final theory examination a student must have passed the practical/preclinical/clinical components of the continuous assessment of that course. To achieve an overall pass grade a student has to obtain a minimum passing Grade (60%) in OSPE, OSCE/ practical/ preclinical/ clinical components (combination of continuous assessment and comprehensive Examination) of the course. The final grade for each course will be based on the combined scores of theory and clinical components. A student will not pass the course if the score for the theory /practical/ pre-clinical / clinical components are below minimum pass level, even if the total overall score for theory and clinical taken together exceeds the minimum pass level. Students who obtain minimum pass grade in the practical/pre-clinical/clinical component of the course and fail in final examination will repeat only the theory component of the course in the repeat 1 and repeat 2 examination.