RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Curriculum Summary

Dental curriculum has been designed to provide an integrated, enquiry-based five-year program. The program falls in with current advances in dentistry and provides an up-to-date teaching structure. There is integration of basic science knowledge with the clinical knowledge and skills. However, each course proceeds from simple to more complex information.

Basic and Medical Science Courses

DAH 126 Anatomy-Head & Neck and Cell Biology Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
This course provides an understanding of the basic anatomy, embryology, histology, imaging and relevant clinical anatomy of the Head and neck region, CNS along with general outline of Respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive system. The course prepares the students for the application of head and neck anatomy and embryology and radiology in clinical sciences which will help them towards diagnosis of clinical disorders.
DPH 126 Physiology Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
Physiology is a six-credit course offered in the first year of the BDS program. The course provides a system- based approach to the normal organ functions and the various physiological processes of the body that maintain homeostasis. It covers cellular structure and function, muscle types, excitability and mechanism of contraction, and details of blood, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, excretory, endocrine, reproductive, and central nervous systems, and special senses. Students can apply this knowledge to understand the physiological adaptations to special conditions, and to explain the physiological basis of oro-dental health and disease. The course is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, self-directed learning, practical sessions and course examinations.
DOB 126 Oral Biology and Tooth Morphology Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
This course describes the micro and macro structures and function of the oral cavity including, teeth, bone, soft tissues and salivary glands and associated structures along with theories of formation, growth, development of these tissues. The course also describes the anatomical and morphological characteristics of teeth and their supporting structures, the inter-arch and intra-arch relationships. The course enables students to incorporate and integrate the knowledge of structure and development of oro-facial tissues in their future clinical practice to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for clinical diagnosis and treatment planning.
DBC 226 Biochemistry Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
The course will focus to the conceptual discipline based on the structure and function of components of living tissues in health and disease. It will also provide the basic knowledge of the biochemistry of the human body as an aid in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of oral diseases.
DPT 224 Pharmacology and Therapeutic Credit Hours: (4 + 0 = 4)
The course describes the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics including factors that modify drug action. The course also describes the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, adverse reactions, contraindications, drug interactions along with salient pharmacokinetic features and dental implications of the drugs used in inflammatory conditions, infective diseases including bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections, cancer, autoimmune disorders, anemias, disorders of hemostasis, hyperlipidemia and gastrointestinal disorders. The course also describes the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, adverse reactions, contraindications, drug interactions along with salient pharmacokinetic features and dental implications of the drugs used in cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and central nervous systems and, general and local anesthetics.
DPA 224 Pathology Credit Hours: (3 + 1 = 4)
The course builds upon an understanding of the normal structure and function of the human body, and enables the students to relate the basic concepts of general pathology to understand the pathogenesis and morphology of diseases.
DOD 225 Pre-Clinical Operative Dentistry & Biomaterials Credit Hours: (3 + 2 = 5)
The course describes the basic concepts of cavity design with minimum cavity extension, materials used in the various conservative procedures, their manipulation, and properties. This course also highlights the diagnosis, prevention and management of dental caries. The concepts of minimally invasive dentistry for incipient caries and complex restorations for grossly damaged teeth are introduced to develop the students’ knowledge and skills for future clinical work. Pre-clinical laboratory sessions and demonstrations will help the students to develop skills to utilize the materials in conservative techniques.
DMB 212 Microbiology Credit Hours: (1 + 1 = 2)
Microbiology course provides the student with an understanding of the natural history of oral infections and other systemic infectious diseases with oral manifestations. The course covers oral microbiology, immunology and microbial interactions with human host in health and disease. It provides the foundation of the roles of microbes and host response in oral health and disease, and to utilize this knowledge for the prevention of oral diseases such as caries and periodontitis.
DGM 213 General Medicine Credit Hours: (2 + 1 = 3)
This course provides the students with the etiology, signs and symptoms of common medical problems encountered during dental practice, which may complicate the delivery of quality dental care. Undertaking the course ensures that graduate practitioners understand when to refer and indication for complex treatment. Also, to enable the students to recognize problems in the medical history of patients as a prerequisite to the whole patient care and health promotion approach to modern dentistry.
DIC 212 Infection Control Credit Hours: (2 + 0 = 2)
The course focuses on the protocols of infection control and the mechanisms by which infectious diseases are transmitted in dental practice. Introduce to the Students understanding about the meaning and importance of infection control in dental practice and the methods required for it.
DGS 212 General Surgery Credit Hours: (2 + 0 = 2)
General surgery is a two credit course offered in the 4th semester of the second year Dental program. The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the basic concept of surgical patient. The course includes general principle of surgery and surgical patient which includes preparing patients for surgery and anesthesia, identifying the high risk patient during the peri-operative period as well as surgical wound care and wound healing. The second part is specific to surgical topics relevant to dental students, with stress on topics related directly to the learning outcome, the students will be asked to write in one of the related topics this is active self-directed learning that will make them read more on specific topics.
DED 211 Ethics in Dental Practice Credit Hours: ( 1+ 0 = 1)
This course helps students to understand the place of ethics in professional life, to recognize when an ethical problem exists in the performance of academic work, clinical treatment, or research, and to have the capability of analyzing and addressing the problem.
DPM 211 Practice Management Credit Hours: ( 1+ 0 = 1)
Practice management course focuses on dentistry as a business, dental team & patient, management, importance of legal and ethical issues, communication skill, financing, purchasing equipment, documentation and regulations of dental practice management. The course introduce students to those business skills that will contribute to a more efficient and cost effective delivery of dental care in the private practice setting.
DEB 212 Evidence Based Dentistry Credit Hours: (2 + 0 = 2)
This course is designed to teach students how to find, evaluate and apply research evidence to make decisions regarding the care of their patients.
DPR 213 Pre-Clinical Periodontics Credit Hours: (2 + 1 = 3)
This course exposes the students with a complete spectrum of normal structure of periodontium, various forms of periodontal diseases, plaque and systemic conditions affecting the periodontal tissues. Etiology, pathology and clinical features associated with periodontal diseases are also described. Practical training on phantom head will prepare the students to develop manual skills for non-surgical periodontal therapy.
DCO 211 Clinical Orientation Credit Hours: (0 + 1 = 1)
The concept of clinical orientation is to acquaint the students with dental operatory. The students will be made aware of team working and patient care by observing their seniors during the clinical work. Students will have an opportunity to observe clinically normal oral tissues, dental plaque and caries. The course also familiarizes the students with infection control protocol and Hospital Information Management System (HIMS).
DCD 326 Community Dentistry Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
This course introduces the students to different oral health problems at a community level along with general epidemiological methods. The course content will contribute to the concepts and practice of health promotion. It also prepares the students to understand and fulfill their responsibility to improve oral health of the community.
DPP 328 Pre-Clinical Prosthodontics& Biomaterials Credit Hours: (4 + 4 = 8)
This course introduces the principles and lab procedures related to dental materials, removable and fixed prostheses. It describes the knowledge for use of dental materials, practical skills for handling the materials and preparation of removable and fixed prostheses. A thorough knowledge will be provided into the terminologies, techniques and skills for the fabrication of these prostheses.
DOS 326 Pre-Clinical Oral Surgery Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
This course presents the complete pharmacology of local anesthetic agents and commonly used injection techniques. The course also includes different methods of pain control, dental management of the medically compromised patients and medical emergencies in dental practice. Practical training will prepare students for manual implementation of different technique of local anesthesia, as well as examination of compromised patients.
DOB 326 Oral Pathology Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
The course is designed to study diseases involving the soft tissues, bone and dental hard tissues of the maxillofacial region. The course highlights on pathogenesis, clinical and radiographic presentation and microscopic changes of all reactive, infective and neoplastic processes involving the head and neck region, specifically the oral cavity. The course also provides an overview of diagnostic procedures and treatment of oral disease are introduced in relationship to the clinical and radiographic presentation and pathogenesis. In addition, it emphasizes on the clinical recognition of diseases, radiographic interpretation and formulation of an appropriate differential diagnosis.
DOR 324 Oral Radiology Credit Hours: (2 + 2 = 4)
The course focuses on the basic principles of X-ray production, the biological damage effects of ionizing radiation and protection from radiation hazards. Students learn to take all intraoral and extra oral skull different radiographic techniques, Students are practice the interpretation of different radiographs and deals with advanced techniques in dental radiology. Students learn how to assess clinical cases and make differential diagnosis between normal anatomical landmarks and types of radiolucent & radiopaque lesions with preparation of accurate report for of radiographic interpretation.
DPR 326 Clinical Periodontics Credit Hours: (2 + 4 = 6)
The course focuses on diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning of various forms of periodontal diseases based on the comprehensive clinical examination including properly sequenced and individualized therapeutic treatment plan. The course describes nonsurgical periodontal therapy and knowledge necessary for surgical periodontal therapy. Students will be able to perform non- surgical periodontal procedures and diagnose cases which require surgical treatment.
DEN 312 Pre-Clinical Endodontics Credit Hours: (1 + 1 = 2)
The course focus on knowledge of pulp diseases, diagnosis and treatment planning related to endodontics, and train the student to perform endodontic procedures in clinical situations. The course describes diagnose, plan and successfully manage teeth with pulpal involvement. Important fundamentals are stressed with emphasis on problem solving skills, critical thinking, radiographic interpretation and self-assessment criteria.
DOM 314 Oral Medicine & Oral Diagnosis Credit Hours: (2 + 2 = 4)
The course describes various oral diseases and conditions; including white lesions of the oral mucosa; oral ulcerations; disorders of pigmentation and pigmented lesions; vesicular and bullous lesions, their clinical presentations, diagnosis and management. The course also deals with the common oral manifestations of medically complex patients, primary and acquired immunodeficiency, salivary gland dysfunction, a typical facial pain and chemosensory disorder, including their management. Emphases on relevance of thorough medical history taken, proper communication with patient, proper use of diagnostic tools, including biopsies to gather the necessary data for establishing diagnosis and setting up treatment plans are also discussed.
DOD 426 Clinical Operative Dentistry Credit Hours: (2 + 4 = 6)
The clinical operative dentistry course builds on the preceding principles and techniques presented in the pre-clinical operative course while expanding the area of diagnosis, treatment planning and management of assigned patients. This course helps to provide the knowledge, technical skills, critical thinking and judgment for caries diagnosis and prevention, minimal intervention, restoration of posterior and anterior teeth and endodontically-treated teeth and management of complex carious lesions, non-carious cervical lesions, root caries, dentin hypersensitivity and teeth discoloration. A correlation between operative dentistry and allied restorative specialties is to be established.
DPC 428 Clinical Prosthodontics Credit Hours: (2+ 6 = 8)
The course focuses on diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis of removable and fixed prosthodontic cases based on the comprehensive clinical examination. A detailed individualized treatment plan based on the evaluation of all diagnostic findings is an essential component. This course outlines all types of removable and fixed dental prostheses treatment procedures. Students are required to acquire adequate knowledge and skills to perform all the prosthodontic procedures outlined in the course syllabus.
DEN 427 Clinical Endodontics Credit Hours: (2 + 5 = 7)
The course focus on knowledge of pulp diseases, diagnosis and treatment planning related to endodontics, and train the student to perform endodontic procedures in clinical situations. The course describes diagnose, plan and successfully manage teeth with pulpal involvement. Important fundamentals are stressed with emphasis on problem solving skills, critical thinking, radiographic interpretation and self-assessment criteria
DOS 427 Clinical Oral Surgery and Implantology Credit Hours: (3 + 4 = 7)
The course focuses on diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning of common dento-alveolar problems with an emphasis on oral surgical procedures performed by general dental practitioner. The course also describes the principles of management of impacted teeth, endodontic and pre-prosthetic surgery, primary and secondary survey of maxillofacial trauma, salivary glands, Temporomandibular joint diseases, cleft lip and palate, orthognathic surgery and implantology. Students will be able to diagnose, prognose and to perform non- surgical and surgical extractions.
DPD 428 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Credit Hours: (3 + 5 = 8)
This course is an age dependent specialty. The course provides training in primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic oral health care for infants and children through adolescence, including children with special health care needs. The course will provide the student with sufficient education and training for diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical care for the young population. In addition graduates will demonstrate critical thinking and decision making and life-long learning skills.
DHG 413 Hospital and Geriatric Dentistry Credit Hours: (2 + 1 = 3)
This course provides an opportunity for the students to observe hospitalized patients with medical and surgical problems. It enables students to understand the basic principles of hospital regulations including admission, discharge, sterilization, infection control, operating theatre, ICU, CCU, & other emergency departments.
The course summarizes the aging process and its associated epidemiologic, sociologic, psychosocial factors and the impact of these conditions on oral health, various oral disease findings and subsequent therapies. It also discusses the common medical conditions including their etiologies and appropriately design a plan of action for their older adult patients who present with these conditions in a systematic fashion to achieve evidence-based treatment.
DTP 413 Treatment Planning and Problem-Oriented Learning Credit Hours: (3 + 0 = 3)
The course focuses on patient examination, education, oral health risk assessment, development of personalized prevention strategies for dental and oral health related diseases, interpretation of diagnostic findings, development of comprehensive, sequenced treatment plans and patient management by completing the clinical charts and other documents pertaining to patient’s file. Group discussion improve the skills of making diagnosis and treatment planning.
Problem-oriented learning is designed to give the students the experience to apply lecture materials to life-like situations and allows the student to experience the process as seen in daily clinical practice. It serves as a framework for discussion, which allows students to recall what they already know, explain their reasoning, limitation of their knowledge, formulate questions to address that limit, gather information, and incorporate those information into their thinking.
DOR 526 Clinical Orthodontics Credit Hours: (4 + 2 = 6)
This course provides the students with knowledge about the basic terminologies, rationale of orthodontic treatment, facial growth, development of normal occlusion, classification of malocclusion, etiology of malocclusion, diagnosis skills, extra and intra oral examination, study model analysis, cephalometric analysis, histology and physiology of tooth movement. Also, it explains knowledge of bio-mechanics principles, anchorage, retention and relapse. The course covers the principles of various removable, functional and fixed appliances; their indications, contra-indications and their use for the non-skeletal and skeletal treatment planning of class I, II and III malocclusions. Treatment of adults, cleft lip and palate and maxillary canine management and recent advances in orthodontic treatment are also discussed.
DCD 5228 Comprehensive Clinical Dentistry - I Credit Hours: (0 + 28 = 28)
This training is designed to improve the clinical skills in diagnosis, comprehensive treatment planning and management of patients with various dental problems as comprehensive care under the supervision of clinical faculty & staff.
DRP 522 Research Project Credit Hours: (2 + 0 = 2)
This course provides the students an opportunity to select a suitable topic for research in dental sciences under guidance of the course coordinator and a member of the dental faculty. Students learn how to work independently and be creative in their thoughts and ideas.
The course offers knowledge on application of the basic principles of research design, methods of data collection and how to analyze them in dental health sciences. The course also provides the steps necessary to design and write a research project.
DCD 516 Comprehensive Dentistry - II Credit Hours: (0 + 6 = 2)
This training is designed to improve the clinical skills in diagnosis, comprehensive treatment planning and management of patients with various dental problems as comprehensive care under the supervision of clinical faculty & staff

Elective Courses:

DES 412 Esthetic Dentistry Credit Hours: (1 + 1 = 2)
This course prepares the students to diagnose, form a treatment plan and perform a number of esthetic procedures with the latest available materials. It encompasses a broad approach to the total esthetic needs of the patient. Esthetic dentistry course is supported by new developments, innovative techniques and a wealth of new scientific data to share new information with students.
DRD 412 Rehabilitation in Pediatric Dentistry Credit Hours: (1 + 1 = 2)
This course describes the principles of comprehensive oral rehabilitation in pediatric patients. The subject focuses on proper case selection, behavior guidance, conscious sedation and the management of multiple surface restorations in children, inclusive of stainless steel crowns and other clinical procedures with emphasis on all levels of prevention applicable to pediatric dentistry.
DAE 512 Advanced Endodontics Credit Hours: (1 + 1 = 2)
The advanced endodontics course builds on the preceding principles and techniques presented in the clinical endodontics course. This course gives the fundamental knowledge for excellence in endodontic treatment with emphasis on advanced endodontic topics and a correlation between endodontics and allied restorative specialties is to be established. The course format will involve a combination of lectures and case discussion with hands-on training on certain new technologies in endodontics. Students will have access to the latest equipment, including operating microscopes and rotary instruments. This advanced education in endodontics is a 6-month course offering a comprehensive educational experience. It is intended to increase students’ knowledge and endodontic literacy through didactic coursework and to enhance skills through clinical experience.
DDI 512 Dental Implantology Credit Hours: (1 + 1 = 2)
This course presents the complete orofacial anatomy, bone physiology, concept of osseointegration and tissue reaction on implant material. The course includes basic surgical principles in implant dentistry as well as standard surgical principles and surgical principles in esthetic zone, implant therapy of patients with unsatisfactory anatomic conditions, postoperative treatment and management of therapy complications. Course will presents the introduction with prosthetic components of implant, planning of restorative procedure and basic prosthetic principles. Practical training will prepare students for pre-implant treatment and knowledge of surgical therapy strategy as well as prepare students for knowledge of surgical implant procedure in different case conditions. Practical training will prepare students for knowledge of restorative procedure on dental implants in different case conditions.