RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

RAKCOMS Achievements and Awards

Year Description
2022-23 Dr. Imran Rangraze, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine
Has been appointed as an International Examiner for the MRCP UK PACES (Clinical) exams, which are held three times a year in 16 countries worldwide. He has been chosen to be an examiner for the Dubai and Sharjah centers.
Dr. Rajani Dube, Professor, OBG
Accepted as a Member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London, United Kingdom after successful completion of all 3 parts of the examinations in 2022.
Dr. Raghavendra Bhat, Professor of Internal Medicine
Has been appointed as a member of 24th Edition of Hutchison’s Clinical Methods.
2021-22 Dr. Raghavendra Bhat, Professor, Internal Medicine
VIDEO PRESENTATION entitled "Getting advanced bionic hands within the reach of amputees" by Ghania Shezad, Gayathri Janardhan, Ibrahim Makhlouf. Ali Raafat Ammar at 9th Abu Dhabi National UG Research Conference Competition held on 26 May 2022 won 2nd Prize. The project was supervised by Dr. Ragahvendra Bhat
2020-21 Dr. Rajani Dube, Professor, OBG
  1. Completed certificate course in "Reproductive Endocrinology" in 2020.
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in “ART and Reproductive Medicine” from the University of Schleswig Holstein – Kiel, Germany in 2020.
Dr. Subhranshu S. Kar, Professor, Pediatrics & Neonatology
NNF Preterm care E module for doctors, Certificate Course by NNF, India, December 28, 2020- March 7, 2021
Dr. Imran Rangraze, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine
  1. Outstanding Clinician of the year-VIHA awards 2020
  2. Learna / Study PRN Author for Specialty Certificate Examination UK Geriatric medicine 2020.
2019-20 Dr. Ashfaque, Professor, Medical Microbiology & Immunology
Shooq Yousef Mohammed Ali Alblooshi, Mustafa Amir Abdul Latif, Nour Kamal Jamil Sabaneh and Dr. Ashfaque Hossain were awarded 1st place in Applied Sciences Category in “Think Science” competition 2019, from Emirates Foundation, Abu Dhabi for their project entitled “Development of a novel selective media for Gram negative bacteria”.
Dr. Subhranshu S. Kar, Professor, Pediatrics & Neonatology
  1. Pediatric infection control certificate course, May , 2020, ECMS
  2. Pediatric pulmonology certificate course, April , 2020, ECMS
  3. Save a life Blood borne pathogens certificate course, 2020, Save a life , NHCPS
  4. NHCPS ACLS Recertification Course, 2020 , Postgraduate Institute for Medicine accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
  5. NHCPS PALS Recertification Course, 2020 , Postgraduate Institute for Medicine accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
2018-19 Dr. Imran Rangraze, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine
  1. MRCP UK – passed in 2018
  2. Fellowship of the American College of Physicians (FACP) – 2018
  3. Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians (London) FRCP -2019
  4. Membership of the British Geriatric Society (BGS) -2019
  5. Member of the European Society of Geriatric Medicine (EuSGM)- 2019