RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Summary of courses for study in BSN program

Revised based on substantial changes made by CAA MOE, UAE

Total Clinical contact hours 3rd & 4th year: 1620

*Clinical Practicum: 4 Credits - Rotational Shifts & 3 Credits - Elective (Maternal & Child Health Nursing/ Mental Health Nursing/ Critical Care Nursing/ Community Health Nursing)

Clinical hands on experience is given in the high fidelity simulation Lab for BSN students of I & II years. III & IV Years in the hospitals.

Note: 1 Theory Credit = 1 Contact Hour
1 Practical Credit = 2 Contact Hour
1 Clinical Credit = 4 Contact Hour
1 SL Credit = 4 Contact Hour

Description of Courses

ENG 101 English (3-0-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: None

This course covers the basic skills of the English language that are required at the undergraduate level of studies in Medical & Health Sciences. It focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking effectively in English. A comprehensive review of essential syntax and semantics required for medical & health sciences education is provided.

ARB 101 Health Sciences Communication in Arabic (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: None

This course aims at teaching communication skills in Arabic language. The course focuses on the skills of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The broad goal of this course is to enable the students to have better understanding of Arabic language to communicate with patients and hospital staff in their profession.

NFN 7113 Foundations of Nursing Practice - 1 (3-0-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: None

An introduction to the definition of Nursing and Health. Emphasis is on the relevance of context and on caring, nursing history and professionalism, nursing process, skills in assessment, basic procedures and communication

NFNS 7113 Foundations of Nursing Practice - 1 (0-2.5-0.5 = 3)

Prerequisites: None

An introduction to the fundamental skills relevant to the context of caring and meeting basic needs of patients. It also gives an opportunity to apply therapeutic communication techniques and nursing process in providing comprehensive patient care

NAN 7103 Anatomy (1-0.5-0 = 1.5)

Prerequisites: None

This course is a study of normal anatomy of the human body through lecture, demonstration visuals and hands on laboratory experience. It will provide the student with a basis for clinical nursing practice.

NPH 7103 Physiology (1-0.5-0 = 1.5)

Prerequisites: None

Physiology of the body systems will be explored, including reproduction, homeostasis and fluid balance. Learned through lecture, demonstration, visuals and hands on laboratory experience.

NND 7102 Nutrition and Dietetics (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

Nutrition and Dietetics is a two credit course offered in the second semester. It is a foundation course in nutrition to provide the students a perspective on some of the links between diet, health and disease. Introduction to diet therapy in disease states is integrated throughout the course.

ENG 201 Health Sciences Communication in English (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

The course is need based for professionals in health care. It focuses on the soft skills in the English language required by the medical professional to interact with patients and their families. At every level it emphasizes on empathy and active listening skills while interacting with patients, their families as well as their own colleagues. Students are exposed to techniques of communicating in different contexts encountered by a medical and health sciences professional as well as a whole range of Public speaking skills including conference presentations.

NMB 7103 Microbiology (2-1-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: Semester I courses

This course provides first-year nursing students with knowledge of principles of medical microbiology and immunology that will support the study of the role of microbes in disease production. This will prepare the students for the practice of infection control measures and their role in diagnosis and management of infectious diseases.

NFN 7123 Foundations of Nursing Practice – 2 (3-0-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

This course is continuation from Foundations of Nursing-1; the student continues to develop her/his knowledge and skill in recognizing and carrying out the basic needs of patients, integrating scientific principles using problem solving approach and nursing skills procedures. End of life care and basic emergency care will be introduced.

NFNS 7123 Foundations of Nursing Practice - 2 (0-2-0.5 = 3)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

This course is continuation from Foundations of Nursing-1; it provides opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, attitude and clinical reasoning for problem solving in care of patients with diverse medical - surgical problems including basic emergency care.

NFNS 7123 Foundations of Nursing Practice - 2 (0-2-0.5 = 3)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

This course is continuation from Foundations of Nursing-1; it provides opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, attitude and clinical reasoning for problem solving in care of patients with diverse medical - surgical problems including basic emergency care.

NAN 7103 Anatomy (Contd.) (1-0.5-0 = 1.5)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I.

NPH 7103 Physiology (Contd.) (1-0.5-0 = 1.5)

Prerequisites: Semester I Courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NHA 7204 Health Assessment (1-2-1 = 4)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course prepares the student to conduct comprehensive health assessment of adult patients.

NPN 7203 Pharmacology in Nursing (1-0-0 = 1)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

In this course, students will synthesize pharmacological concepts; explain the terminology, pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, contraindications and precautions for prototype drugs for multiple organ systems will be studied. Major emphasis will be placed on nursing management practices that minimize the adverse effects and maximize therapeutic effects in patients and the role of nurse in pharmacological research.

NHB 7203 Human Biochemistry (2-1-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This is a system based introductory biochemistry course dealing with the basic concepts of bio molecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes and the functioning of musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, blood, respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, and endocrine systems. The students are also exposed to the fundamental aspects of molecular biology and its relation to the causes of common diseases.

NAH 7215 Adult Health Nursing - 1 (3-0-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I, II & III courses

This course deals with variety of adult patients including geriatrics with specific medical and surgical conditions, communicable diseases, instructional therapeutic nutrition with special emphasis on problem solving approach of comprehensive patient care which includes diet therapy and health education.

NAHS 7215 Adult Health Nursing - 1 (0-1.5-1 = 2.5)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I, II & III courses

This course deals with variety of adult patients including geriatrics with specific medical and surgical conditions, communicable diseases, instructional therapeutic nutrition with special emphasis on problem solving approach of comprehensive patient care includes diet therapy and health education.

NPP 7202 Pathophysiology (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course is to introduce students to fundamental pathophysiological changes in human body that results in disruptive adaptive responses throughout the lifespan. These disruptive responses are approached in a systematic manner. A combination of identified cellular concepts and a body systems approach is utilized to structure course content.

NPS 7202 Psychology (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

General Psychology is a survey of various methods, principles, and theories of scientific psychology as applied to the study and understanding of human thoughts, emotions and behaviors. It also includes physiological foundations of behavior, growth and development, learning and memory. Motivation and emotions, personality, stress and adjustment, social interactions, and psychological disorders and treatment approaches are also included.

NPN 7203 Pharmacology in Nursing (Contd.) (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester 1

NAH 7215 Adult Health Nursing I (Contd.) (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NAHS 7215 Adult Health Nursing I (Contd.) (0-1-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

ICM 101 Islamic Culture and Medicine (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: None

This course is designed to develop a better understanding of Islamic belief and its application in life besides focusing on current modern medical and science issues in Islam. The broad goal of this course is to enable the students to have better understanding of Islamic medical issues and appreciation of Islam as a way of life, its impact in the field of medicine, the contribution of Islam to medical in general, and to sciences in particular.

ES 101 Emirates Society (2-0-0 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course is designed to consolidate national belonging and identity to appreciate national achievements of the United Arab Emirates. The course focuses on producing students to the main social features of Emirati community and its core values and heritage, as well as the history and geography of the country.

HIT 101 Health Informatics Technology (2-1-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: None

The goal of this course is to teach basic computer skills necessary in an academic environment including use of the internet and other computer programs for research and data analysis.

NNE 7303 Nursing Education (1-0-0 = 1)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I & II courses

This course includes the philosophy and objectives of nursing education concepts and principles of curriculum development, evaluation, guidance and counselling including methods of teaching.

NPN 7306 Pediatric Nursing (2-0.5-1 = 3.5)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I & II courses

This course focuses on the most common acute and long-term health problems of the child. Effects of illness and hospitalization on the child and family unit will also be explored. The course includes a practicum component with experience in the acute care and well-child setting. The use of normal growth and development criteria are stressed.

NPM 7306 Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing (1.5-0.5-1 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I & II courses

This course introduces the basic principles and concepts of mental health nursing. Emphasis will be on therapeutic interventions and nursing care for mentally ill clients and their caregivers. This also includes rehabilitative aspects of the patients with mental illness.

NAH 7328 Adult Health Nursing - 2 (1-0.5-2 = 3.5)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course is continuation of Adult Health Nursing 1. The emphasis is on medical-surgical specialties - Hematology, Immunology, Integumentary, musculoskeletal, ENT, and Ophthalmology. Planned and guided experiences shall be provided in acute care units including adult medical and surgical settings and also in the specialty units. Nursing concepts basic to health and illness shall be examined across the continuum of individuals and family.

NLM 7304 Nursing Leadership and Management (1-0-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I & II courses

This course explores the organizational strategies, leadership theories and societal trends with implications for decision-making in health care. Introduction to management skills needed by professional nurses with clinical application in diverse settings is also provided.

NGN 7302 Gynecological Nursing (1-0-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I & II courses

This course deals with normal health of women and common diseases of female reproductive system and its nursing care.

NPT 7302 Professional Issues and Trends in Nursing (1-0-0 = 1)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I & II courses

The course introduces students to the status of nursing in the UAE health care system, perspectives to be explored will include social, political, organizational, and legal/ethical factors. The continuing debate about the essence of nursing including professional issues will be examined. Current issues will be critically analyzed in relation to their influence on the nursing profession and nursing practice.

NLE 7302 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing (1-0-0 = 1)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course explores the fundamental principles of nursing ethics and encourages reflection on and discussion about personal and professional values within nursing practice contexts. Students will analyze some of the most common and difficult ethical dilemmas faced by nurses. These dilemmas will be analyzed with consideration to ethical reasoning and decision-making.

NNE 7303 Nursing Education (Contd.) (1-0.5-0 = 1.5)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NPN 7306 Pediatric Nursing (Contd.) (1-0.5-1 = 2.5)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NPM 7306 Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing (Contd.) (2-0-1 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I.

NAH 7328 Adult Health Nursing - 2 (1-0-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 2, Semester I, II & III courses. This course is a continuation from Semester I.

NLM 7304 Nursing Leadership and Management (Contd.) (1-0-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I.

NPT 7302 Professional Issues and Trends in Nursing (Contd.) (1-0-0 = 1)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NLE 7302 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing (1-0-0 = 1)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NOB 7408 Obstetric Nursing (2-0.5-2 = 4.5)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I & II courses

This course focuses on the normal physiological changes and maternal adaptations related to the pregnancy and nursing care of the normal prenatal, intrapartal and postpartal stages and the normal neonate. Common complications of pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum, and the neonate are discussed. The clinical component will provide selected experiences in the care of prenatal, intrapartal, postpartal clients, and the newborn.

NCC 7436 Critical Care Nursing (1.5-0.5-1 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I & II courses

Designed to increase the depth of knowledge and level of nursing skill. Content includes principles and concepts of advance medical-surgical and mental health, which are organized around the nursing process and nursing diagnosis. Integrated throughout are concepts of health promotion, nutrition, and pharmacology. Socio-cultural factors and adaptations for the elderly are also incorporated. Clinical experience includes care of patients with complex medical-surgical conditions

NCH 7405 Community Health Nursing (1-0-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 3, Semester I & II courses

Community health nursing course focuses on health of the population in the community, principles of health care, strategies of health promotion, and epidemiological concepts of nursing care with individuals, families, groups, and communities. Professional, legal/ethical, economic, cultural, and environmental issues relevant to community health nursing will also be examined.

NCP 7404 Clinical Practicum (Rotational Shifts) (0-0-4 = 4)

Prerequisites: All first to fourth year nursing courses. This course is a continuation from Semester I.

This clinical placements enforces mainly on holistic comprehensive care

NOB 7408 Obstetric Nursing (Contd.) (1-0-2 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 4 Semester I Courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NCC 7436 Critical Care Nursing (Contd.) (1-0-2 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 4 Semester I Courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NCH 7405 Community Health Nursing (Contd.) (1-0-1 = 2)

Prerequisites: Year 4 Semester I Courses

This course is a continuation from Semester I

NCP 7403 Clinical Practicum (Elective) (0-0-3 = 3)

Prerequisites: All first to third year nursing courses

The purpose of this course is to provide clinical immersion opportunities for students in practical settings to support knowledge applications, skill developments and refinements, role developments and transition to practice. These experiences will develop the students, critical thinking/clinical reasoning skills and increase communications skills, time management and organization abilities. Opportunities to explore the multiple roles of the professional nurse in the health care settings to serve as the member of the inter-professional team and prepare students for reality based practice.

NRS 7403 Nursing Research Methodology & Statistics (3-0-0 = 3)

Prerequisites: Year 1, Semester I & II courses

This course is designed to assist the students to acquire an understanding of the research methodology and statistics and its application to nursing. It will further enable the students to critique research studies and recognize the value of utilizing evidence based nursing practice to improve quality of care.
