RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

SECTION 2 B: Applicable to BSN / RN-BSN Bridge Program

Part A - Applicable to Core & Non-core nursing courses for BSN and RN-BSN Bridge program
Non-Core Nursing Courses without practical

  1. Psychology (NPS 7202)
  2. Nursing Ethics (NET 7202)
  3. Professional Issues & Trends in Nursing (NPT 7302)

Non-Core Nursing Courses with practical

  1. Nursing Education (NNE 7303)
  2. Nursing Leadership & Management (NLM 7303)
  3. Nursing Research Methodology & Statistics (NRS 7204)

2.24 Continuous Assessment

Assessment in the BSN and RNBSN clinical courses follows the general principles of the assessment system of the University but is adjusted for the specific needs of the clinical practice in Nursing. There is continuous assessment and Comprehensive Examinations in both theory and clinical components of these courses. For courses taught over two semesters, continuous assessment occurs in November and March. For courses taught over one semester, there is one continuous assessment mid semester either in November or in March. Comprehensive Examination is conducted at the end of the academic year if two semester courses or at the end of the semester in semester courses.

Combination of these components in addition to other components gives the grade of the course at the end of the semester or year, depending on if it is semester or year course. Eligibility to progress to the following year of study is decided at the end of each academic year.

Continuous assessment will contribute 60% and Comprehensive Examination 40% in each of the two

components, theory and clinical. The overall scores of each component, theory and clinical, will contribute 100% each towards the grade of the student in that course. Separate passing for theory and clinical for core nursing courses is mandatory

2.24.1 Continuous Assessment Theory:

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • There will be two Continuous Assessments in theory held during designated periods within the two semesters for both the BSN and RNBSN program.
  • The average of two assessments will contribute 50% of total continuous assessments.
  • The format of these examinations will be the same as that of the theory Comprehensive Examination and will include multiple choice questions (MCQ).

In each of the continuous assessments, students will be examined on only that part of the content which has been taught until that period of the course.

1st Continuous Assessment test - from beginning of year up to 1st assessment

2nd Continuous Assessment test - from 1st assessment up to 2nd assessment

  • The continuous assessment will be conducted on consecutive days without any gap between examinations for different courses.
  • The Dean of the college will notify the students about the schedule of the continuous assessment – including the date, time, and venue.
  • During continuous assessments, one or more “Observers” may be deputed by the office of the examination to oversee the conduct of the examinations.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • There will be one Continuous Assessment in theory held during a designated period within the semester, which will contribute 50% of the total continuous assessment.
  • The format of the examination will be the same as that of the theory comprehensive examination and will include multiple choice questions (MCQ)
  • The Continuous Assessment will be conducted on consecutive days without any gap between examinations for different courses.
  • The Dean of the College will notify the students about the schedule of the continuous assessment – including the date, time, and venue.
  • During continuous assessment, one or more “Observers” may be deputed by the office of the examination to oversee the conduct of the examinations.

2.24.2 Assignments

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • There will be two assignments per academic year, and its placement is left to the course coordinator.
  • Assignments may take the form of written reports, presentations, projects, group work relevant to the course, critique, analysis & problem solving etc.
  • The average mark of the assignments will carry 20% of continuous assessment.
  • The faculty shall fix the precise date of submission and once the date is fixed, the faculty must maintain the deadline.
  • Different topics can be given to different students or different group of students. The topics for the assignments will be announced at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • The faculty shall provide the detailed guidelines to the students on the format of the assignment.
  • For courses without TBL, Assignments will contribute 30% of the total continuous assessment.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • There will be a minimum of one assignment, and its placement is left to the course coordinator.
  • Assignments may take the form of written reports, presentations, projects, group work relevant to the course, critique, analysis & problem solving etc.
  • Assignments will carry 20% of continuous assessment.
  • The faculty shall fix the precise date of submission and once the date is fixed, the faculty must maintain the deadline.
  • Different topics can be given to different students or different groups of students.
  • The topics for the assignments will be announced at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • The faculty shall provide the detailed guidelines to the students on the format of the assignment.
  • For courses without TBL, Assignments will contribute 30% of the total continuous assessment.

2.24.3 Quizzes

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • Quiz is a mini written assessment testing a small area/topic in the course. The objectives of conducting the Quizzes are to motivate the students to learn and assess the level of knowledge on a continuous basis, and encourage analytical and critical thinking ability of students on selected topics.
  • There will be two quizzes in the academic year
  • Quizzes may comprise of any one or a combination of MCQ, RRE and problem solving exercises.
  • The average of the two Quizzes will contribute 15% of the total continuous assessment. However for courses with no TBL, the contribution will be 20%.
  • Quiz is to be conducted during the regular class hour for that particular course, with prior announcement.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • Quiz is a mini written assessment testing a small area/topic in the course. The objectives of conducting the Quizzes are to motivate the students to learn and assess the level of knowledge on a continuous basis, and encourage analytical and critical thinking ability of students on selected topics.
  • There will be one quiz in the semester.
  • Quiz may comprise of any one or a combination of MCQ, RRE and problem solving exercises.
  • The quiz will contribute 15% of the total continuous assessment. However, for courses with no TBL, the contribution will be 20%.
  • Quiz is to be conducted during the regular class hour for that particular course, with prior announcement

2.24.4 Team Based Learning (TBL)

  • A minimum of one TBL will be conducted per semester.
  • Weightage of 15% derived from the evaluation of TBL process with iRAT and tRAT scores
  • Contents of TBL sessions will be assessed during theory examinations.
  • TBL is ideally integrated among several courses and the score awarded will be taken into all the integrated courses equally (e.g. if a student gets 10 out of 15 score in an integrated TBL of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, he/she will get 10 out of 15 in all the three individual courses). When integrated TBL is not possible, individual course TBL shall be planned. The IRAT & TRAT contribution will be 60% and 40% respectively.

Results of each continuous assessment will be made available to the students within 1 week of its conduct. At the end of all the assessments, the respective College Deans shall submit the raw score for all the evaluation components to the Office of the Examination in the given format after due review/verification if any.

All continuous evaluation reports, in the given formats, shall be properly signed by faculty/Chairpersons before being sent to the Office of Examinations through the respective College Deans. The Office of Examinations may return the evaluation report for the departmental clarification or reconsideration if any discrepancy or inconsistency appears.

2.24.5 Continuous assessment (CA) and grading for core and noncore nursing courses: Theory:

CA CA Test TBL Quiz Assignment Total
50% 15% 15% 20% 100%

Comprehensive Exam: 40%

Final score for clinical will be: CA + Comprehensive Exam: 60%+ 40% =100%

* Every student must pass theory and clinical separately. If a student fails in the clinical examination, he /she will have to repeat the theory and clinical examination.

Comprehensive Examination

  • Eligibility for appearing for university examination is 75% attendance for Theory courses and 95% for clinical rotations.
  • Failure to appear for the comprehensive examination will result in grade “F”. Students failing a course have to appear and pass the repeat examination/s to be promoted to next academic year.
  • A student will be permitted a maximum of six academic years for BSN and four academic years for RNBSN Bridge to complete the program

Part B: Applicable to Basic Sciences Courses

The courses included are:

  1. Anatomy (NAN7103)
  2. Physiology (NPH7103)
  3. Microbiology (NMB7103)
  4. Human Biochemistry (NHB7203)
  5. Pharmacology in Nursing (NPN7202)

2.24.6 Continuous Assessments

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • There will be two Continuous Assessments in theory held during designated periods within the two semesters for both the BSN and RNBSN program.
  • The average of the two assessments will contribute 50% of total continuous assessments.
  • The format of these examinations will be the same as that of the theory Comprehensive Examination and will include multiple choice questions (MCQ).

In each of the Continuous Assessments test, students will be examined on only that part of the content which has been taught until that period of the course.

1st Continuous Assessment test - from beginning of year up to 1st assessment

2nd Continuous Assessment test - from 1st assessment up to 2nd assessment

  • The continuous assessment will be conducted on consecutive days without any gap between examinations for different courses.
  • The Dean of the college will notify the students about the schedule of the continuous assessment – including the date, time, and venue.
  • During continuous assessments, one or more “Observers” may be deputed by the office of the examination to oversee the conduct of the examinations.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • There will be one Continuous Assessment in theory held during a designated period within the semester.
  • The format of the examination will be the same as that of the theory comprehensive examination and will include multiple choice questions (MCQ)
  • Students will be examined on the topics prior to the continuous assessment
  • The Continuous Assessment will be conducted on consecutive days without any gap between examinations for different course.
  • The Dean of the College will notify the students about the schedule of the continuous assessment – including the date, time, and venue.
  • During continuous assessment, one or more “Observers” may be deputed by the office of the examination to oversee the conduct of the examinations.

2.24.7 Practical continuous assessment

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • For courses with practical credit hours, two assessments in practical will be held during the academic year.
  • They may be timed to coincide with the day of Continuous Assessments in theory. Alternatively the Department may hold them at other times but at approximately equal intervals. In this case, the practical assessments will take place during the practical periods allocated in the time table
  • The average of the two practical assessments will contribute 30% to the total continuous assessment.
  • Continuous assessment in practical will be in the form of Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

For courses assessed after one semester

  • For courses with practical credit hours, one assessments in practical will be held during the semester.
  • They may be timed to coincide with the day of Continuous Assessments in theory or scheduled at other times by the relevant Department and will be held at approximately equal intervals. In the latter case, the practical assessments will take place during the practical periods allocated in the time table
  • The one practical assessment will contribute 30% to the total continuous assessment.
  • Continuous assessment in practical will be in the form of Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE).

Courses with no practical credits - The weightage distribution for continuous Assessment will be:

Continuous Assessments = 40%, Quiz = 15%, Assignment = 20%, TBL = 25%

2.24.8 Assignments

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • There will be two assignments per academic year, and its placement is left to the Course Coordinator. If the course is without TBL, assignments will be increased to three to four.
  • Assignments may take the form of written reports, presentations, projects, group work relevant to the course, critique, presentations, analysis & problem solving etc.
  • For courses with TBL, assignments will carry 15% of continuous assessment. In courses without TBL, assignments will contribute 20% to continuous assessment.
  • The faculty will fix the date of submission and maintain the deadline.
  • Different topics can be given to students or groups and will be will be announced at least 2 weeks in advance with the detailed guidelines.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • There will be one assignment per semester, and its placement is left to the Course Coordinator. If course is without TBL the assignments will be increased to two or three.
  • Assignments may take the form of written reports, presentations, projects, group work relevant to the course, critique, presentations, analysis & problem solving etc.
  • For courses with TBL, assignments will contribute 15% of continuous assessment. In courses without TBL, assignments will contribute 20% to continuous assessment.
  • The faculty will fix the date of submission and maintain the deadline.
  • Different topics can be given to students or groups and will be announced at least two weeks in advance with the detailed guidelines.

2.24.9 Quizzes

For courses assessed over two semesters

  • Quiz is a mini written assessment testing a small area/topic in the course. The objectives of conducting the quizzes are to motivate the students to learn and assess the level of knowledge on a continuous basis, and encourage analytical and critical thinking ability of students on selected topics.
  • There will be two quizzes in the academic year.
  • Quizzes may comprise of any one or a combination of MCQ, RRE and problem solving exercises.
  • The average the two quizzes will contribute 15% of the total continuous assessment. However for courses with no TBL, the contribution will be 20%.
  • Quiz is to be conducted during the regular class hour for that particular course, with prior announcement.

For courses assessed after one semester

  • Quiz is a mini written assessment testing a small area/topic in the course.
  • The objectives of conducting the Quizzes are to motivate the students to learn and assess the level of knowledge on a continuous basis, and encourage analytical and critical thinking ability of students on selected topics.
  • There will be a minimum of one quiz in the semester.
  • Quizzes may comprise of any one or a combination of MCQ, RRE and problem solving exercises.
  • The quiz will contribute 15% of the total continuous assessment. However for courses with no TBL, the contribution will be 20%.
  • Quizzes are to be conducted during the regular class hour for that particular course, with prior announcement.

2.24.10 Team Based Learning (TBL)

  • A minimum of one TBL will be conducted per semester.
  • Weightage of 15% derived from the evaluation of TBL process with iRAT and tRAT scores
  • Contents of TBL sessions will be assessed during theory examinations.
  • TBL is ideally integrated among several courses and the score awarded will be taken into all the integrated courses equally (e.g. if a student gets 10 out of 15 score in an integrated TBL of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, he/she will get 10 out of 15 in all the three individual courses). When integrated TBL is not possible, individual course TBL shall be planned.

Results of each continuous assessment will be made available to the students within 1 week of its conduct. At the end of all the assessments, the respective College Deans shall submit the raw score for all the evaluation components to the Office of the Examination in the given format after due review/verification if any.

All continuous evaluation reports, in the given formats, shall be properly signed by faculty/Chairpersons before being sent to the Office of Examinations through the respective College Deans. The Office of Examinations may return the evaluation report for the departmental clarification or reconsideration if any discrepancy or inconsistency appears.

The suggested percentage distribution for Continuous Assessment and comprehensive Examination is shown in the table below (there may be minor variations depending on the specific needs of some courses).
