RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Study Plan for MSM Nursing PROGRAM (2 Years - 4 Semesters)

Year 1
Course No. Title Theory Practical Clinical
NNI 9103 Nursing Informatics 2 0.5 0
NARM 9103 Advanced Research Methods 3 0 0
NSHP 9103 Statistics for Health Professionals 2 0.5 0
NISW 9101 Introduction to Scholarly Writing 1 0 0
Semester Total 8 1 0
Total Credits 9
Course No. Title Theory Practical Clinical
NOSL 9203 Organizational and System Leadership 2 0 1
NTFN 9203 Theoretical Foundations in Advance Nursing/ Midwifery Practice 3 0 0
NLEI 9202 Legal and Ethical Issues in Advanced Nursing/ Midwifery Practice 2 0 0
MM 9202 Introduction to Midwifery 2 0 0
Semester Total 9 0 1
Total Credits 10
Year 2
Course No. Title Theory Practical Clinical
MM 9317 Midwifery-1 (including Advanced Pathophysiology and Advanced Pharmacology) 5 2 0
MM 9316 Midwifery-1 (including Advanced Pathophysiology and Advanced Pharmacology) (Practicum) 0 0 6
NRST 9313 Research Scholarly Thesis-1 0 1 0
Semester Total 5 3 6
Total Credits 14
Course No. Title Theory Practical Clinical
MM 9426 Midwifery-2 (including Advanced Pathophysiology and Advanced Pharmacology) 5 1 0
MM 9424 Midwifery-2 (including Advanced Pathophysiology and Advanced Pharmacology) (Practicum) 0 0 4
NRST 9313 Research Scholarly Thesis-2 0 2 0
Semester Total 5 3 4
Total Credits 12
