RAKMHSU Ranked 3rd in the UAE and 75th Among Arab Universities in the Arab University Rankings (ARU)    Launch of Internal Medicine Bulletin to Showcase Departmental Excellence     RAKMHSU is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAKMHSU has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

General Education Curriculum (B.Pharm) Program

General Education Course Description

Course Prerequisite: None
Course Summary: English is a three-credit course offered in the 1st semester of the B.Pharm Program. The primary goal of this course is to develop the writing skills of Pharmacy students to generate and express their ideas clearly, correctly, and effectively.
It covers college-level writing standards, reading for comprehension purposes, prewriting techniques, and organization of material and to express themselves in speech. Students will be able to write fluent and logical compositions from small paragraphs to multi-paragraph essays for various purposes in the health sciences context.
They will also be familiarized with basic medical/ pharmacy terminology. Learning is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, written tests, group discussions, self-directed learning, and team-based learning.

Course Prerequisite: English (PEN 103)
Course Summary: The Health Sciences Communication in English course is a three-credit course offered in the second semester of the B. Pharm program. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with the essential skills and competencies needed for professionals in health care. The course aims to train students to be able to communicate with clarity, sensitivity, and effectiveness in their interaction with patients and their families. The course focuses on Empathy and Active Listening Skills while interacting with patients, their families, as well as their colleagues to achieve desired outcomes. It also focuses on Public Speaking skills including conference presentations. Learning is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, group discussions, self-directed learning, team-based learning, and simulated situations.

Course Prerequisite: None
Course Summary: Information Technology for Pharmacy is a two-credit course offered in the first semester of the B.Pharm program. The main goal of the course is to train competent users of Information Technology in Pharmacy in an ever-changing world. The course focusses on identifying the components of the system namely, the working of computer storage, processes, and displays data, use of input/output devices, effective use of networks, Internet, and other communication tools as well as the ethical use of computers in healthcare and society. It also directs them to apply their knowledge to solve problems related to health sciences through the effective utilization of information technology. Learning is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, written tests, group discussions, self-directed learning, and team-based learning.

Course Prerequisite: ENG 101
Course Summary: Health Sciences Communication in Arabic is a three-credit course offered in the first semester of the B.Pharm program. The foremost goal of this course is to equip the students of Pharmacy with the basic skills of communicating in the Arabic language with patients and healthcare staff. The course also focuses on reading and listening for understanding to prepare them for real-life situations. The course gives priority to pronunciation and correct articulation while speaking in Arabic. Learning is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, written tests, group discussions, self-directed learning, and team-based learning.

Course Prerequisite: None
Course Summary: The Emirates society course is a two credits course offered in the first semester of BPharm program, the course seeks to consolidate national belonging and identity and appreciate the national achievements of the United Arab Emirates. The course focuses on introducing students to the main social features of the Emirati community and its core values and heritage, as well as the history and geography of the country. It discusses the internal and foreign policy, social development, and services provided by the State, including the empowerment of women and their role in society. The course also aims to shed light on UAE’s role in building an Emirati knowledgeable society, encouraging multiculturalism, and developing solid economic and technological infrastructure, as well as positioning UAE at a globally competitive level. The course also includes the future visions and challenges towards developing strategic plans as it will discuss Federal Government Vision and Abu Dhabi’s Vision 2030 and the different issues related to future development plans and the expected challenges.

Course Prerequisite: None
Course Summary: Islamic Culture and Medicine is a three-credit course offered in the second semester of the B.Pharm program. The main goal of this course is to discuss the current medical and scientific issues from the Islamic perspective. It focuses on developing an understanding and appreciation of Islamic contribution to medicine in particular and science in general. The course aims at engaging students’ awareness of Islamic codes related to health and medicine. Learning is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, written tests, group discussions, and self-directed learning.

Course Prerequisite: None
Course Summary: Biostatistics and Research Methodology is a two-credit course offered in the fourth semester of the B.Pharm program. The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of the theory and applications of biostatistics and research in matters related to professional practice. The students are taught various aspects of data handling and analysis. The course enables students to develop abilities to apply statistical methods and critically interpret issues encountered in practice. The course is also designed to assist the students to acquire an understanding of the principles of research methodology for identifying research problems, and planning and implementing a research plan. It will further enable the students to critique research studies and recognize the value of utilizing research findings to improve the quality of pharmaceutical and health science practices, education, and management. Basic aspects of pharmacy practice research are taught covering ethical issues involved in carrying out research in Pharmacy. The course also deals with the aspects of communicating the research results for publication. Learning is facilitated through interactive lecture sessions, group discussions, self-directed learning, and team-based learning.