RAK Medical and Health Sciences University is First Medical University in the UAE to Obtain Five Stars in QS Stars Rating     College of Pharmacy at RAK Medical and Health Sciences University has obtained dual national and international accreditation for its Bachelor of Pharmacy program from the American Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)     All Programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE.    All our programs are recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Bachelor of Pharmacy
Theory Practical
Continuous Assessment Comprehensive Examination Continuous Assessment Comprehensive Examination
Mid Semester Assessment 50

MCQs 100%
Mid Semester Assessment 50 OSPE/OSCE Practical examinations
Written Test 20 Daily assessment 25
TBL 20 Lab manual, viva 25
SDL Assessment 10
Total 100 100 Total 100 100
Ratio for Final Mark 60% 40% Ratio for final marks 60% 40%
S.No. Item No. of Assessments
1. Mid Semester Assessment 1
2. Written Test 1
3. TBL 1
4. SDL 1
5. Practical Assessment 1

Master of Science

Continuous Assessments
Type of Continuous Assessment Number Weightage Date of Submission / Schedule

Mid-semester Exams


01 for each

course (Theory/


60% of continuous assessments Week 9
Theory: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): 40%;

Extended Response Essays (EREs): 60%

Practical/OSPE: Experiments; case presentation; Synopsis; Viva voce

Assignment 01 for each course 10% of continuous assessments

Will be notified at the beginning of semester
Seminar 01 for each course 15% of continuous assessment
PBL 01 for each course/ Integrated 15% of continuous assessments

Exam Type Number of Assessment Time of Examinations Weightage Components

Continuous Assessment

Details provided in table below

Contribute 60% to the overall marks

Details provided in table below

End Semester Exams

01 at the end of semester

Week 18/19

Contribute 40% to the overall marks

Theory: MCQs (40%) & EREs (60%)

Practical/OSPE: Experiments/CBL; Synopsis/Viva voce