To deliver high quality education in nursing comparable to the international standards.
- Review, evaluate and revise, the existing undergraduate programs for the second renewal of accreditation by CM, MOHESR, UAE.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) 2017;
- RN-BSN Bridge program by 2017;
- Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) all specialties by 2019
- Design, develop and offer doctoral programs in various clinical specialties and non-clinical courses.
- Develop, plan and offer diploma and other contemporary educational curricula to meet international standards based on the national health needs.
- Selected diploma in clinical specialties:
- Maternity Nursing/Midwifery
- Oncological Nursing
- Neonatal Nursing
- Selected diploma in clinical specialties:
- Upgrade and update the existing infrastructure facilities, including library and IT resources to support quality education.
- Assess the evaluation system that monitored the outcomes of all programs including budget:
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of college level strategic plan.
- Evaluate the course outcomes of all the programs and revise if required.
- Evaluate the faculty performances and based on the need develop new faculty development programs
- Recruit and retain outstanding academic fraternity committed to creation and application of knowledge.
- Recruit high quality students (Undergraduate and Graduate), committed to acquiring knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes towards patient care.
- Continue promoting diversity and academic freedom amongst faculty and students.
- Develop later, online web-based master’s programs.
- Develop selected doctoral learning experiences online
Achieve academic excellence in all undergraduate and graduate nursing education programs through a welcoming, engaging, and innovative teaching and learning environment.
- Update the curriculum with the latest trends and advancements in health sciences education.
- Enhance the quality of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum to ensure achievement of core competencies.
- Expand the use of simulation and technology in RAKCON.
- Incorporate cultural competency and related diversity initiatives into all academic programs.
- Provide learning opportunities that support lifelong learning both theory and practice.
- Evaluate the curriculum against the established learning outcomes based on the qualification framework of UAE and revise accordingly.
- Explore potential for interdisciplinary education with Medical, Pharmacy and Dental.
- Support the faculty to utilize the available learning resources and innovative teaching methods.
- Increase faculty satisfaction in the work environment.
- Identify peer institutions and provide comparison for best practices.
To promote the development of professional knowledge and practice through evidence – based learning and problem-solving approaches.
- Promote conducive clinical learning environment.
- Utilize evidence based, problem solving and team approaches in teaching and learning.
- Develop clinical skills training that is acceptable with international standards.
To enhance commitment to Community Engagement, Outreach and strategic communication
- Evaluate current RAKCON service learning and community engagement activities in the all the programs.
- Seek opportunities to align with the curriculum to meet the needs of the community and RAKCON.
- Develop collaborative relationships with educational and practice settings in local communities.
- Cultivate partnerships within higher education, across diverse health organizations, and with communities
To encourage students and faculty to utilize research within a stimulating and supportive environment for improving the quality of patient care, implementing change in nursing practice and for making nursing practice decision.
- Promote research among students to improve their clinical practice.
- Facilitate the faculty to write for research projects and receive research grants.
- Encourage faculty to publish research papers in scientific journals.
- Revise the existing budgetary support and access to conferences, external seminars, research and to ensure the key results are entered into the annual strategic plan for action and review.
- Create awareness and follow up regarding intellectual property rights.
- Work collaboratively to link research to practice through partnership (translational research).
- Cultivate the development of high quality, high reward interdisciplinary scientific programs.
To focus on the commitment to principle of ‘lifelong learning’ by providing appropriate continuing professional development modules and pathways.
- Develop strategies to support lifelong learning via both print and electronic sources and to remain current with the advances in medical and health sciences knowledge, skills and practice.
- Demonstrate the ability to acquire new information and data and to critically appraise its validity and applicability to one’s professional decision and particularly career planning.
- Monitor the outcomes of the strategies to support lifelong learning for students, academic faculty and admin staff and to ensure the key results are entered into the annual strategic plan for action and review.
- Strengthen and build the existing alumni association to support graduates in their life after RAKCON.
- Continue to design, develop and offer more programs based on the new trends through continuing nursing education (CNE) programs.
- Encourage faculty to participate in scholarly activities by attending workshops, conferences and seminars contributing to faculty development.
To develop students to use concepts from the humanities and the behavioral sciences to understand oneself and others, the relationship between people, the functioning of communities and to practice professional ethics.
- Display the personal attributes of compassion, honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, colleagues and communities.
- Provide opportunities for students all round development including leadership and promotion of health.
- Strengthen and build on the existing academic advising unit and utilize the counselling cell whenever required for students.
- Establish relationship with local communities through involvement in community health projects.
- Demonstrate the ability to educate the patients and community about various health problems and to motivate them to adopt health promoting behavior .
- Identify the implications of basic ethical principles including confidentiality, informed consent, truth telling and justice for the care of the patient.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate compassionately and effectively, both verbally and in writing with colleagues, patients and their families.
- Exhibit a capacity for self-evaluation, moral reflection and ethical reasoning to form the basis for a self-directed, lifelong engagement and involvement in the medical and health sciences profession.